Contact the team

The FASt project is hosted by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and supervised by two professors of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC). Since its beginning in early 2007, several students of the Integrated Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering (IMECE) of the University of Porto have contributed with various developments in electronics hardware, software and also in creating and constructing mechanical components. We only refer the students recently involved in the project.

José C. Alves

Professor in the DEEC, email: jca(a)

Nuno A. Cruz

Professor in the DEEC, email: nacruz(a)

José F. Valente

Student of the 5th year of the Integrated Master in ECE, email: ee11061(a)

Luis M. Perestrelo

Student of the 5th year of the Integrated Master in ECE, email: ee11224(a)