author = {Pedreiras, P. and Gai, P. and Almeida, L. and Buttazzo, G.},
title = {FTT-Ethernet: a flexible real-time communication protocol that supports dynamic QoS management on Ethernet-based systems},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics},
year = {2005},
volume = {1},
number = {3},
pages = {162--172},
month = {August},
doi = {10.1109/TII.2005.852068},
issn = {1551-3203},
isbn = {},
keywords = {Ethernet, FTT, FTT-Ethernet, distributed systems, dynamic QoS management, manufacturing automation, quality-of-service, real-time communication protocol, real-time industrial automation systems},
note = {},
key = {},
abstract = {Ethernet was not originally developed to meet the requirements of real-time industrial automation systems and it was commonly considered unsuited for applications at the field level. Hence, several techniques were developed to make this protocol exhibit real-time behavior, some of them requiring specialized hardware, others providing soft-real-time guarantees only, or others achieving hard real-time guarantees with different levels of bandwidth efficiency. More recently, there has been an effort to support quality-of-service (QoS) negotiation and enforcement but there is not yet an Ethernet-based data link protocol capable of providing dynamic QoS management to further exploit the variable requirements of dynamic applications. This paper presents the FTT-Ethernet protocol, which efficiently supports hard-real-time operation in a flexible way, seamlessly over shared or switched Ethernet. The FTT-Ethernet protocol employs an efficient master/multislave transmission control technique and combines online scheduling with online admission control, to guarantee continued real-time operation under dynamic communication requirements, together with data structures and mechanisms that are tailored to support dynamic QoS management. The paper includes a sample application, aiming at the management of video streams, which highlights the protocol's ability to support dynamic QoS management with real-time guarantees}