author = {Ashjaei, M. and Liu, M. and Behnam, M. and Mifdaoui, A. and Almeida, L. and Nolte, T.},
title = {Worst-Case Delay Analysis of Master-Slave Switched Ethernet Networks},
booktitle = {2nd International Workshop on Worst-Case Traversal Time (WCTT'2012) Proceedings},
year = {2012},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
pages = {},
address = {San Juan, Puerto Rico},
month = {December},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
doi = {},
issn = {},
isbn = {},
keywords = {Ethernet, FTT, FTT-SE, Real-Time communications},
note = {},
key = {},
abstract = {Switched Ethernet is increasingly used in real-time communication due to its intrinsic features such as micro segmentation and high throughput. However, COTS switches may impose long blocking times due to their FIFO queues and can also experience buffer overflow in outgoing queues due to uncontrolled packets arrival. Reconciling the use of ordinary switches with the needs of real-time communication requires an adequate overlay protocol. In this paper we focus on using a Master-Slave technique to overcome the COTS switch limitations in real-time applications, namely the FTT-SE protocol. We extend the protocol for large scale networks and we present the worst-case delay analysis using the Network Calculus formalism for such a network. Moreover, we assess the end-to-end delay of traffic with simulation}
author = {Mifdaoui, A. and Behnam, M. and Nolte, T. and Pedreiras, P. and Almeida, L. and Marau, R.},
title = {Exploring alternatives to use master/slave full duplex switched Ethernet for avionics embedded applications},
booktitle = {11th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN'2012) Proceedings},
year = {2012},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
pages = {},
address = {Pisa, Italy},
month = {July},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
doi = {},
issn = {},
isbn = {},
keywords = {Real-Time communications, FTT, Ethernet, Avionics},
note = {},
key = {},
abstract = {The complexity of distributed real-time systems, including military embedded applications, is increasing due to an increasing number of nodes, their functionality and higher amounts of exchanged data. This higher complexity imposes major development challenges when nonfunctional properties must be enforced. On the other hand, the current military communication networks are a generation old and are no longer effective in facing such increasingly complex requirements. A new communication network, based on Full Duplex Switched Ethernet and Master/slave approach, has been proposed previously. However, this initial approach is not efficient in terms of network bandwidth utilization. In this paper we propose two new alternative approaches that can use the network bandwidth more efficiently. In addition we provide a preliminary qualitative assessment of the three approaches concerning different factors such as performance, scalability, complexity and flexibility}