author = {Santos, R. and Marau, R. and Vieira, A. and Pedreiras, P. and Oliveira, A. and Almeida, L.},
title = {A synthesizable ethernet switch with enhanced real-time features},
booktitle = {35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON'2009) Proceedings},
year = {2009},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
pages = {2817--2824},
address = {Oporto, Portugal},
month = {November},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
doi = {10.1109/IECON.2009.5415405},
issn = {1553-572X},
isbn = {978-1-4244-4650-6},
keywords = {FTT, Ethernet, Real-Time communications, Computer architecture, Ethernet networks, Field programmable gate arrays, Hardware, Protocols, Prototypes, Substation protection, Switches},
note = {},
key = {},
abstract = {The use of switched Ethernet for safe real-time communication still suffers from undesired phenomena, such as blocking caused by long non-preemptive frames, lack of protection against errors in the time domain, couplings across virtual LANs and priority levels via internal switch shared resources. Recently, a few solutions were proposed to cope with such phenomena. One such solution is based on an enhanced switch following the Flexible Time-Triggered paradigm, which enforces strict service differentiation with any kind of traffic scheduling, blocking-free forwarding and timing errors confinement. In this paper we propose a new architecture following an hardware-software co-design approach that simplifies the development of the enhanced switch features by detaching the traffic scheduling from the traffic switching. The paper shows experimental results with an actual switch prototype that confirm the desired switch properties}
author = {Santos, R. and Vieira, A. and Marau, R. and Pedreiras, P. and Oliveira, A. and Almeida, L. and Nolte, T.},
title = {Implementing Server-Based Communication within Ethernet Switches},
booktitle = {2nd Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS'2009) Proceedings},
year = {2009},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
pages = {},
address = {Washington, USA},
month = {December},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
doi = {},
issn = {},
isbn = {},
keywords = {Real-Time communications, FTT, FTT-SE, Ethernet, Switch},
note = {},
key = {},
abstract = {Server-based architectures have generated recently a considerable interest. They provide an effective means to support composability, i.e., the integration of diverse components while guaranteeing the required service-levels to each one. While common in CPU scheduling, the support for server-oriented architectures in the domain of real-time communication protocols is more limited due to distribution and specific medium access control and queues management policies within network controllers, network devices and protocol stacks. Consequently, server-based traffic scheduling is either not supported or supported in a limited and inefficient way, e.g., only basic servers, no hierarchical composition, static configuration. To overcome such limitations, the authors proposed recently the Server-SE protocol, which supports unconstrained server-based traffic scheduling over switched Ethernet, using the FTT-SE protocol and common off-the-shelf (COTS) switches as platform. This paper extends such work by bringing the servers inside a customized Ethernet switch. This option provides a high level of determinism, robustness and flexibility, being particularly suited to open systems as servers can easily be added, composed, adapted and removed at run-time. The proposal is validated with a prototype implementation and experimental results that show its effectiveness in enforcing correct resource reservations}
author = {Santos, R. and Marau, R. and Oliveira, A. and Pedreiras, P. and Almeida, L.},
title = {FPGA-based Implementation of an Ethernet Switch for Real-Time Applications},
booktitle = {5th Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfigur\'{a}veis (REC'2009) Proceedings},
year = {2009},
editor = {},
volume = {},
series = {},
pages = {},
address = {Monte de Caparica, Portugal},
month = {February},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
doi = {},
issn = {},
isbn = {},
keywords = {Ethernet, Switch, Real-Time communications},
note = {},
key = {},
abstract = {The use of switched Ethernet for precise and safe real-time communication still suffers from undesired phenomena, such as blocking caused by long non-preemptive frames, lack of protection against errors in the time domain, couplings across virtual LANs and priority levels via internal switch shared resources. Recently, a few solutions were proposed to cope with such phenomena. One such solution is based on an enhanced switch following the Flexible Time-Triggered paradigm, which enforces strict service differentiation, blocking-free forwarding and timing errors confinement. In this paper we propose a new architecture following an hardware-software co-design approach that facilitates the development of the enhanced switch features by separating the traffic scheduling from the common management activities associated to switching}