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Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Departamento de Engenharia Informática

Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n | 4200-465 Porto | PORTUGAL

Correio EletrónicoE-mail: [email protected]
TelefonePhone: +351 22 508 2134 | VoIP: 3900 | FaxFax: +351 22 557 4103
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Eugénio Oliveira

Eugénio Oliveira

Event and Program Chair

Eugénio Oliveira is a Full Professor at FEUP and the Director of LIACC

Henrique Lopes Cardoso

Henrique Lopes Cardoso

Program Chair

Henrique Lopes Cardoso is an Assistant Professor at FEUP, a Researcher at LIACC and a member of the Directive Board of APPIA

Ana Paula Rocha

Ana Paula Rocha

Organization Chair

Ana Paula Rocha is an Assistant Professor at FEUP and a Researcher at LIACC

João Gama

João Gama

Event and Program Chair

João Gama is an Associate Professor at FEP and a Senior Researcher at LIAAD-INESC

Zita Vale

Zita Vale

Program Chair

Zita Vale is a Coordinator Professor at ISEP and the Director of GECAD

Goreti Marreiros

Goreti Marreiros

Organization Chair

Goreti Marreiros is a Professor at ISEP, a Senior Researcher at GECAD and a member of the Directive Board of APPIA