Work Plan

Task ID Task Description Task Status
A Development of a Platform Done
B Development of an Acoustic Transmitting System Done
C Development of a Multipath Detection Algorithm Done
D Data Acquisition Done
E Development of Relative Positioning Algorithm Done
F Development of Sensor Fusion Algorithm Aborted
G Testing in Real Environment Done
H Thesis Writing Done
I Web Page Development Done

The Gantt chart for the entire project is shown below. Some remarks are in order about it. First: the website development is considered complete as far as source code goes. Updates are a simple matter of adding posts which can be done easily. Second: the order in which the tasks were started is different than the one planned. This is due to the fact that it was later on decided that it would be easier to start by developing algorithms and simulating them before actually deciding on a platform and proceed with data acquisition. The time taken for these tasks is still the same, however. A final remark has to do with the sensor fusion algorithm, which was cancelled for using the developed algorithm estimates with a Kalman filter should be enough.