LTW Exam
Approximately 50 multiple-choice questions about all the topics covered during the course: "HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript/DOM, HTTP, Security, Regular Expressions, and MPA/SPA/PWA":
- Each question will have several possible choices, but only one is correct.
- Typically, the number of choices will be four, but some questions might have more or less.
- Wrong answers deduct points from your final score; this means that random answers will statistically result in a null score. For example, with four possible choices, wrong answers will have a penalty of 1/3 of the total grade.
- You can, however, select more than one answer. Examples:
- four choices, 1 selected, 0 wrong: full grade.
- four choices, 2 selected, 1 wrong: 2/3 of the full grade.
- four choices, 3 selected, 2 wrong: 1/3 of the full grade.
- four choices, 2 selected, both wrong: -2/3 of the full grade.
- four choices, 4 selected: zero.
Almost all questions will be worth the same number of points. However, some questions might be worth more. Typically, these require the student to spend more time analyzing a problem, for example, a question showing some HTML and complex CSS rules and asking what color a particular element will be.
Reference Materials: You are not allowed to consult any reference materials besides those already in Moodle (if any).
First Exam
- Date: 2024-06-12
- Time: 1st group starts at 14:30 / second group starts at 16h30
- Duration: 1h30
- Rooms: B201, B203, B207, B208, B213, B301
Second Exam
- Date: 2024-06-27
- Time: 14:30
- Duration: 1h30
- Rooms: B104, B105, B207, B208, B213