Table of Contents
User manual
Nas páginas seguintes estão instruções de utilização do ambiente de modelação.
In these pages are instructions to use the PARADIGM-ME modelling environment.
The user manual concerning coverage analysis features in particular can be found at Coverage User Manual
Usage Script
Create new project
1º - Press “File”→“New”→“Project…”
2º - Double-click “Java Project”
3º - Write a name project
4º - Press “Finish”
5º - If not in Java perspective, you will be asked to switch to it, press “Yes”.
6º - Press “File”→“New”→“Other…”
7º - In filter write Paradigm
8º - Double-click in “Paradigm Diagram”
9º - Choose as “Parent Folder” src inside the project
10º - Write a name for the file (do not modify the extension) and press “Next”
11º - Give the same name (again do not modify the extension) and press “Finish”.
Create node
1º - In palette, press the type of node to be created
2º - In the modeling area press where you want to create the node
Create connector
1º - In palette, press the type of connector to be created
2º - In the modeling area press the source node and drag to the destination node
Open Form diagram
1º - Right-click the Form
2º - Choose “Open Diagram”
Insert fields in a Behavioural node
1º - Select the node
2º - In the properties tab, select “fields” entry
3º - Press […]
4º - A dialog with the existing fields will appear
5º - Press “add”
6º - A new dialog to insert the field's name will appear
7º - When done press “Ok”
8º - Back to the first dialog. In case you want to insert more fields just repeat from step 5. If you are done press “Ok”.
Insert configurations in a Behavioural node
1º - Select the node
2º - In the properties tab, select “configurations” entry
3º - Press […]
4º - A dialog with the existing configurations will appear. ATTENTION: in some cases, before the dialog with the existing configurations, the fields dialog may emerge. In this case report to Insert fields in a Behavioural node.
5º - Press “add”
6º - A new dialog will appear where you can insert the desired configurations (preconditions to this test case can be inserted through clicking “Restrictions”. To consult restriction syntax report to Restriction Syntax Guide).
7º - When done press “Ok”
8º - Back to the first dialog. In case you want to insert more configurations just repeat from step 5. If you are done press “Ok”.
Map field to GUI control
1º - Select node with fields to map
2º - In the properties tab, select “fields” entry
3º - Press […]
4º - A dialog with the existing fields will appear
5º - Select the field to map and press “Map Field”.
6º - A dialog will ask for the URL and the browser to use.
7º - Wait for the browser to open and the page to load.
8º - Right-click the upper-left point of the page (and not the browser). ATTENTION: when you finish an interaction with the right button, while in the mapping action, the mouse will be unresponsive. This is normal and momentary.
9º - Again with the mouse's right button, select the control to map. This selection must be done dragging the mouse and start in the upper-left corner of the control and end in the lower-right corner. A slight margin to each side shall be assured to ensure the correct mapping of the control.
10º - You will be questioned if you want to save an image. Do not forget that if an image is not saved the sikuli detection cannot be used and, for that reason, it is advisable to always save an image.
Test script generation
1º - In the modeling area, press the mouse right-button
2º - Choose “Generate Test Script”
3º - Insert the number of times a cycle shall be repeated (in case there are cycles in the model) and the max number of permutations that shall be generated in case there are Group with anyOrder true.