PARADIGM-ME architecture
The image below shows the PARADIGM-ME architecture.
Following is a brief description of each package:
- “paradigm” presents the base code of the elements of the PARADIGM language.
- “diagram” is the environment, namely the modeling space creation, its menus and actions.
- “edit” has to do with the creation of the properties view of the elements.
- “edit.ui” presents dialogs added to be possible to edit the configurations of each node.
- “figures” presents the modification of the icon of each type of node.
- “mapping” presents the action of mapping the fields of a node to the controls present in the GUI.
- “scriptGenerator” presents the functionality to generate the test script.
- “diagram.custom” contains small functionalities to create nodes from the context menu and the possibility to open a new diagram for a Form node.
- “testExecution” presents the functionality of test execution.
- “pluginLoader” contains classes to use for the creation of configurations dialogs.
- “Sikuli” external library used for image recognition.
- “Selenium” external library to recognize web controls and interact with them.
- “coverage” is the plugin that provides the test coverage analysis functionality.
Here you may see a video with a brief explanation: paradigm-me.wmv