Domain model
This page presents the domain model. It describes all elements and respective attributes.
“Model“ represents the model and servs as a foundation for the existance of the remaining classes. This class presents references to classes ”Element” and “Connector” and also a title.
- title: model title;
- relations: connectors present in the model;
- nodes: elements present in the model.
“Element“ is an abstract class which represents the nodes in the diagram. All child classes of this class will be types of elements possible to be created on the diagram.
- name: name identifying the element;
- number: number identifying the element;
- coverage: element's coverage;
- incomingLinks: connectors whose destination is this element;
- outgoingLinks: connectors whose source is this element;
- restrictions: restrictions to this element's configurations.
”Connector“ is also an abstract class that represents the relationships between elements in the diagram.
- label: type of connector identification;
- source: reference to this connector's source node;
- destination: reference to this connector's destination node;
”Behavioural“ is an abstract class from which descend all classes of elements representing behavioural patterns.
- optional: if the element is optional;
- mappingURL: page URL where the pattern may be found.
”Login“ represents the authentication pattern. This class descends from ”Behavioural”.
- configurations: list of LoginEntry representing configurations for one test case;
- fields: fields present in the interface belonging to this element.
“LoginEntry“ is a class representing configurations for Login nodes.
- Inputs: field/value pair.
- validity: if the entry is valid or not.
- check: may assume three values (Message, StayOnSamePage and changePage) differentiating the configuration of the test case to be generated.
- message: message shown to the user.
”Call“ represents the call pattern (typically a button interaction). This class descends from ”Behavioural”.
- configurations: list of CallEntry representing configurations for one test case;
- fields: fields present in the interface belonging to this element.
“CallEntry“ is a class representing configurations for Call nodes.
- presentInPage: value to search for in the page (only used when check is presentInPage).
- check: may assum three values (presentInPage, StayOnSamePage e changePage) differentiating the configuration of the test case to be generated.
”MasterDetail“ represents the master/detail pattern. This class descends from ”Behavioural”.
- configurations: list of MDEntry representing configurations for one test case;
- fields: fields present in the interface belonging to this element.
“MDEntry“ is a class representing configurations for MasterDetail nodes.
- master: value to pick for master;
- detail: detail's list of values, that may or may not be present depending on check's value;
- N: number of detail values that should (or should not) be present;
- check: may assume three values (Contains0, Contains1 e ContainsN) differentiating the configuration of the test case to be generated.
”Sort“ represents the sort pattern. This class descends from ”Behavioural”.
- configurations: list of SortEntry representing configurations for one test case;
- fields: fields present in the interface belonging to this element.
“SortEntry“ is a class representing configurations for Sort nodes.
- check: may assume four values (result_in_position, interval, alphabetically e numerically) differentiating the configuration of the test case to be generated;
- position: position the result should appear;
- result: expected result in position;
- inputs: values to insert for sorting.
”Find“ represents the find pattern. This class descends from ”Behavioural”.
- configurations: list of FindEntry representing configurations for one test case;
- fields: fields present in the interface belonging to this element.
- inputs: values to insert for searching;
- result: expected result in position;
- position: position the result should appear;
- check: may assume six values (NumberOfResults_exactly, NumberOfResults_less_than, NumberOfResults_more_than, result_in_page, StayOnSamePage e changePage) differentiating the configuration of the test case to be generated.
”Input“ represents the input pattern. This class descends from ”Behavioural”.
- configurations: list of InputEntry representing configurations for one test case;
- fields: fields present in the interface belonging to this element.
“InputEntry“ is a class representing configurations for Input nodes.
- value: value to input;
- validity: if the entry is valid or not.
”Structural“ is an abstract class, superclass of the structural elements Form e Group).
- optional: if the element is optional;
”Form“ represents forms e allows structuring models by levels. Descends of ”Structural”.
- subDiagram: reference to the diagram representing this form.
“Group“ represents a grouping of nodes and allows to create node inside it. Descends of ”Structural”.
- anyOrder: if the elements inside it may be executed in any order;
- nodes: reference to the nodes inside it.
“Field“ represents a field present in the GUI.
- id: field's identifier;
- mapping: ”MappingEntry” which keeps data about the GUI control represented by this field;
- name: field's name.
“Entry“ is an abstract class which represents the test case configurations.
”MappingEntry“ represents mapping data from the GUI controls.
- attributes: list of attributes and respective values;
- location: control location;
- size: control size;
- tagName: control tag;
- text: control text;
- imagePath: path to control's image;
- sikuliType: control type.
”FieldValueEntry“ represents field/value pairs to use in several behavioural patterns.
- field: field name.
- value: value to use.
”Init“ represents the beginning of the model. Descends of ”Element”.
“End“ represents the end of the model. Descends of ”Element”.
“Sequence“ represents a connection of the model that states that the destination node cannot start without the source node ending. Descends of ”Connector”.
“SequenceWithDataPassing“ represents a connector of the model similar to the prior, but in this case the destionation element receives information from the source element. Descends of ”Connector”.
- InfoToPass: data to pass from one element to the other.
“SequenceWithMovedData“ represents a connector that passes information to the destination node, but in this case the source node loses this information. Descends of ”Connector”.
- InfoToMove: data to move from one element to the other.
“Dependency“ represents a connector in which the destination element depends on the source element. Descends of ”Connector”.
“checkCall“ represents the assertions for call patterns.
- changePage = 0;
- stayOnSamePage = 1;
- presentInPage = 2.
”checkFind“ represents the assertions for find patterns.
- NumberOfResults_exactly = 0;
- NumberOfResults_less_than = 1;
- NumberOfResults_more_than = 2;
- result_in_position = 3;
- stayOnSamePage = 4;
- changePage = 5.
”checkLogin“ represents the assertions for login patterns.
- Message= 0;
- stayOnSamePage = 1;
- changePage = 2.
”checkMD“ represents the assertions for master/detail patterns.
- Contains0 = 0;
- Contains1 = 1
- ContainsN = 2.
”Order“ represents order.
- Ascending = 0;
- Descending = 1;
”Validity“ represents if a configuration is valid or invalid.
- Valid = 0;
- Invalid = 1;