The Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (STVR) journal invites authors to submit papers to a Special Issue on Testing Event Based Software.


Computers and embedded devices are playing an increasingly important role for end-users, researchers, and businesses. Many classes of event based software (EBS) applications have become commonplace. Examples of EBS include graphical user interfaces (GUIs), web applications, mobile applications, network protocols, embedded software, web services and device drivers. One of the key properties of EBS is the simplified, implicit interaction between components that is based on the exchange of events. The interaction is limited to one component publishing an event that can be received by one or more other components, with no inherent coordination, continuation or context preservation. Due to the loose coupling and the implicit interaction between its components, event-based systems may be highly scalable and easy to evolve, but at the same time they can be more difficult to test and debug. Effective strategies, techniques and tools are needed for addressing all the critical aspects of EBS testing and their effectiveness should be experimented with different types of EBS.


This special issue focuses on all topics relevant to testing Event Based Software (EBS). In particular, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submission Information

Extended versions of workshop/conference papers should contain at least 30% new material and should explain clearly the additional contribution. It also should have a different abstract and should cite the original workshop/conference paper Please submit your paper electronically using the Software Testing, Verification & Reliability manuscript submission site ( Select "Special Issue Paper" and enter "Testing Event Based Software" as title.

Important Dates

Manuscript submission deadline: EXTENDED January 15, February 21, 2016

First notification: April 20, 2016

Revised manuscript submission: July 20, 2016

Notification of the final decision: September 30, 2016

Tentative publication date of special issue: First quarter 2017

Guest Editors