This is where I detail my teaching activities at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the School of Engineering of the University of Porto since my appointment as Lecturer Assistant in November 1995.

My position in the same Department has been promoted to Professor Assistant in December 1998 following the successful completation of my Ph.D program in November 1998.

My teaching activities have covered several (ECE) areas including Programming, Circuits and Signals, Electronics, Instrumentation, Telecommunications, Digital Signal Processing, DSP laboratory and Multimedia.

More recently I have been particularly concentrated on the areas of DSP theory and DSP laboratory. As a result, I have for example created new teaching materials and new Web sites dedicated to a basic DSP course (PDS -EEC4162) and dedicated to a DSP laboratory course (PDSTR -EEC5274). This last course has been the object of a paper and a Power Point Presentation that have been presented in 2002 in an international conference. The associated teaching materials are also available on an University Educators Information Exchange Web Site made available by Texas Instruments.

My teaching activities also include supervision of research and development work. Due to my previous research experience as well as research interests, this work is somehow related to digital signal processing applied to audio signals, digital audio algorithms constrained to real-time constraints, as well as their realization on DSP platforms. Specifically, I have been supervising students carrying undergraduate final projects (since the school year 1996/1997), Msc. students (since 2000) and Ph.D students (since 2003) in the context of their dissertation research.

Please click on a specific school year on the top frame to see what courses I have taught.

NOTE: The theme of teaching versus research is certainly moot but also fascinating, at least to me. If we add to the discussion a constraint that takes Portuguese Universities as the context, then the debate becomes exuberant. An independent analysis of these aspects has been made in 2000 by Prof. Michael Athans (MIT) when he was a Visiting Research Professor at ISR/IST in Lisbon. His analysis is available as a full-text PDF document and as a PPT presentation.

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© 2004 Aníbal Ferreira, last updated on March 2004