(A. P. Oliveira de Carvalho)


Doha, Qatar
  Qatar from Corniche

Doha, Qatar

Doha, Qatar
Doha, Corniche

Doha Sheraton

Pei's Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar
   Pei's Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar Pei's Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar

Viagem ao Norte do Qatar
(trip to the North of Qatar)

Viagem ao Norte do Qatar

Al Khor Tower

Old mosque, Al Khor
Old mosque, Al Khor

Al-Jassasiya Rock Carvings
Al-Jassasiya Rock Carvings
Al-Jassasiya Rock Carvings

Al Zubarah Fort
Al Zubarah Fort
Al Zubarah Fort  Al Zubarah Fort
Al Zubarah Fort

Barzan Towers
Barzan Towers

Barzan Towers
  Barzan Towers

Al-Koot fort, Doha (1927)
Al-Koot fort (1927) Al-Koot fort (1927), Doha

Coudelarias (Estábulos) e Mercado de Camelos
(Stables and camel market)
Coudelarias (Estabulos)
Mercado de Camelos (importados), Doha

Al Jazeera (TV network headquarters), Doha

Al Jazeera (TV station headquarters), Doha

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Última actualização em: 03.10.2011
Web Site por APOC